



PG电子试玩平台为从幼儿到12年级的学生提供服务. 教职员工在智力上都很好奇, 灵活的, 和协作, 他们认为教育是一项有吸引力的职业. Our students are fun and kind, and they love to be challenged and viewed as confident individuals. 作为一所跨宗教学校,PG电子试玩平台欢迎各种背景和信仰的人.



PG电子试玩平台APP一直在接受教学职位的申请.  请把你的简历和求职信寄到Yoko Segerstrom邮箱 (电子邮件保护).


的 school expects candidates to have a willingness and ability to use differentiated instruction in the classroom. Teachers utilize a student-centered pedagogy and technology as a teaching tool as well as a student resource. 的 successful candidate will be part of a 关闭-knit teaching and learning community. 高度的团队合作精神, 协作, and communication are a must; a sense of humor is appreciated. PG电子试玩平台重视高度的主动性、创造力和灵活性.





报告: 玛西·凯西,校长.  

● Overseeing all aspects of the 招生和经济援助 operations and is responsible for developing, 实现, and overseeing the execution of a multi-year and annual comprehensive enrollment plan with appropriate goals that include strategies to recruit and enroll students.
•制定年度招生和助学金预测, predictive models and budgets; building, 领导和激励适当的团队,以确保达到招生目标.
● Providing comprehensive statistical and data-informed analyses necessary to make sound policy decisions.
● A demonstrated understanding of the 协作 between the Enrollment Management & 招生办公室以及通信和发展办公室.
● Developing and using existing and emerging technologies to communicate and build relationships with students, 家庭, 直属学校, 幼儿园和中学的领导.
●规划, 实现, 监督和评估具体的项目, services and functions designed to meet institutional objectives related to enrollment management to optimize net tuition revenue.
●评估和改进学生入学体验的实践, 包括及时, effective and positive engagement with students and 家庭 throughout the entirety of their experiences with 招生, 经济资助和注册.
确保校园遵守所有法律(国际), 联邦州和/或地方)周围的招生管理.
●确定目标受众, establishing enrollment goals and developing and executing effective enrollment management plans designed to attract students.
● Serving as Principal Designated School Official the Student and Exchange 访问or Program (SEVP)
● Works 关闭ly with the Head of School and Chief Finance Officer (CFO) in developing an annual and multi-year financial aid plan that meets enrollment and net tuition revenue objectives.
领导财政援助委员会, which reviews financial aid policy and determines financial aid award packages for admitted students.
●能够通过全球/国际视角查看招生和注册. 了解和推广PG电子试玩平台学校的全球多样性. 预算职责:
●与校长和财务总监合作, the director is responsible for the management of a financial aid budget that is set annually by the Board of Trustees.
● Oversees the enrollment/retention budget which is set annually by the Board of Trustees.
● Use metrics to determine the effectiveness of the budget spent to understand if the resources allotted are appropriate. 部门间及机构职责:
● Collaborating on an integrated marketing and communication plan with the Director of Communications and Marketing on print and electronic enrollment recruiting collateral, 对消息和传递媒介使用基于研究的决策.
● Monitoring and assessing data to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment efforts including social media, marketing and other emerging technologies that enhance yield with potential students and their 家庭.
•作为家长协会的学校联络员. 参加会议,促进家长和学校之间的良好沟通. 资格:
●在教育战略招生管理方面具有领导能力, 包括开发和实施数据驱动程序, 预算和人事职责, 招生管理规划.
● Highly efficient and effective communicator who is a results-oriented individual with strong business acumen, 以及对招生领域的最佳实践和当前趋势的了解.
具有当前招生管理最佳实践的领导经验, 招生, 经济资助和注册.
● Experience with current and emerging technology (hardware and software solutions) related to recruitment, 招生和经济援助, including expertise with enrollment management systems and web-based recruitment efforts.
● Experience with process-improvement initiatives and leadership in change-management environments.
● Ability to collaborate and communicate with senior leadership on the integration of 招生 and school-wide strategic goals.
● Leadership experience in recruiting and supporting a culture of inclusion and diversity.
● Knowledge of national and state issues related to independent school education policies and practices that influence enrollment management.
● 的 successful candidate will have the ability to balance focusing on operational effectiveness with visionary and strategic thinking.
理想的候选人还将表现出出色的沟通技巧, 杰出的完整性, 以及与内部和外部成分有效合作的能力.

● 的 PG电子试玩平台 School is committed to attracting and retaining outstanding employees through a compensation plan that compares favorably with those of other independent schools in the Capital Region. Individual salary levels are competitive and are determined by educational background and experience.
PG电子试玩平台 School是一个机会均等的雇主(EOE)。.

**有意者请将简历及求职信发送至: (电子邮件保护)

关于PG电子试玩平台学校 . . . PG电子试玩平台成立于1975年, 作为幼儿- 12年级, 男女同校的大学预备学校, 随着两所奥尔巴尼学校——肯伍德学院的合并, 成立于1852年, 和圣. Agnes School, founded in 1870—that were rooted in the Roman Catholic and Episcopal traditions. 的 resulting organization is a place where students of all faiths grow and learn together. 的 school’s emphasis is interfaith; most faiths are celebrated, 学生们学习世界上所有的主要宗教. Students are asked to understand why so many people in the world choose a life of faith; they are urged to study many 宗教s, 但不需要选择一个. 这个社区是建立在宽容和尊重的基础上的. 这是一个成长你的思想和建立你的心的地方. As a co-educational interfaith school, we welcome students of all backgrounds and traditions. PG电子试玩平台APP崇尚多样性, and we provide a nurturing yet challenging environment that prepares students for today’s global Community. 的 PG电子试玩平台 School is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools, 并拥有全国独立学校协会的会员资格, 全国圣公会学校协会, 全国大学入学咨询协会, 和大学理事会.


多恩斯图亚特学校招收任何种族的学生, 宗教, color, 国家和民族出身, 和性取向的所有权利, 特权, and programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School.  它在就业方面没有基于种族的歧视, 宗教, color, 国家或民族出身, 或者性偏好, 在教育政策的管理上也是如此, 入学政策, 奖学金和贷款项目,体育项目和其他学校管理的项目.